BLOOM holds its FIRST Dance Experience!

On December 29, 2017, BLOOM Dance Inc. held its first ever dance experience, the BLOOM Winter Experience. With two BLOOM Stars for the day, Keyira and Kaliegh, the inaugural Winter Experience was incredibly impactful! The mission of BLOOM Dance Inc. is to, through dance, build up and strengthen confidence, self-love, and mental stamina for young people in the community. Throughout the day, our BLOOM Stars truly did come out of their little shells. We could see their confidence beginning to soar, which made a our program a HUGE success! 

Check below to see how the budding BLOOM Stars spent their day.


Strengthening minds and bodies with Ms. Chanice.

Strengthening minds and bodies with Ms. Chanice.

Sit ups are hard work! But this is what it takes to be a Beautiful Little Overcoming Obstacles of the Mind! 

Sit ups are hard work! But this is what it takes to be a Beautiful Little Overcoming Obstacles of the Mind! 

Director, Courtney Paige Ross, encourages BLOOM Star as she tackles her morning sit ups.

Director, Courtney Paige Ross, encourages BLOOM Star as she tackles her morning sit ups.

BLOOM Stars focused on Tree Pose

BLOOM Stars focused on Tree Pose

Balancing in Tree Pose was an obstacle for these "littles" but they learned to OVERCOME! 

Balancing in Tree Pose was an obstacle for these "littles" but they learned to OVERCOME! 


Next on the agenda..


Learning the basics of Ballet arms and positions. 


Empowerment hour

In our first activity, we worked on identifying positive vs negative self-talk. Cross out the negative flowers and color-in the positives!  First step in overcoming an obstacle is identifying the problem! 

It was a true pleasure to see these "Littles" expressing their love for themselves, to see the smiles that came to their faces as they thought about what made them happy . 

It was a true pleasure to see these "Littles" expressing their love for themselves, to see the smiles that came to their faces as they thought about what made them happy . 

The second activity got the budding BLOOM Stars to reflect. They took time to think about what they're really good at like "reading, running, and eating" (Kaleigh, 7yrs). They also thought about books and movies they've really enjoyed, those that make them feel the most loved (aka family). We even discussed their dreams and what they would love to do when they grow up. Keyira, 14yrs, expressed that she would love to work with a dance group and choreograph. 

Jazz/Creative Movement 

Kaileigh and Ms. Malerie getting stretched out for jazz! 

Kaileigh and Ms. Malerie getting stretched out for jazz! 

Jazz was an amazing time!  After being super focused and serious in the previous two classes, Jazz was their chance to express their individuality. So instead of learning a pre-choreographed dance, the girls were given the opportunity to have an improv jam. After their jam, Keyira's ideas just kept flowing. So Ms. Malerie gave her the floor and the budding artist started chasing her dream of becoming a choreographer. Check out the BLOOM Star's dance below! 


Choreographed by Keyira Seals.                                                                                                                       Song: Call Me Mother - Ru Paul

Our first BLOOM Dance Experience was a day filled with so much love and empowerment! We can not wait to continue to blossom in the coming months with Beautiful Littles overcoming Obstacles of the Mind!



Courtney Ross